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Faith Formation

Peace Lutheran Church’s Faith Formation Committee is responsible for education, events and activities within the church and the church library. The Faith Formation committee seeks to offer educational opportunities for all members of the congregation; provide opportunities for our youth to grow in their faith in a church family by coordinating local mission events, hosting fellowship activities for youth, as well as cross-generational faith formation gatherings. Our youth have the opportunity to participate in National Youth Gatherings. Our youth are invited to participate fully in worship services partnering and training with adult members as acolytes, greeters, readers, communion assistants, Faith Formation leaders, video tech, etc. In addition, we have a well stocked library with the latest in theological, biographical, non-fiction and fiction selections for all ages. The library provides resources and services to support and enhance the quality of ministry, discipleship, fellowship and worship through Education.

Worship and Music 


Community Service

The Community Service Committee at Peace works to ensure that gifts of resources and time are connected to the larger Springfield community, as well as national and global outreach. Committee-supported organizations/activities include, but are not limited to, the following: collections for Grace Lutheran Food Pantry; collection and distribution holiday food baskets, school supplies, and Christmas gifts for students at Blackhawk school; collection of school supplies and personal care kits for Lutheran World Relief; hosting an annual picnic for residents of Contact Ministries; and making and distributing meals for the James Project.  Members are encouraged to reach out to the committee to discuss how other community-related projects can be supported by its work.  

Evangelism Committee

The Evangelism Committee is a group of dynamic people working facilitate change in our congregation in regard to sharing Peace Lutheran's  story with others. We believe that through our baptism in Christ, we are called to invite others into relationship with God in Christ Jesus. We offer opportunities to grow in one's own faith life and to develop an ability to share freely one's own 'faith' stories with others. Come and see!

Fellowship Committee

The Fellowship Committee provides treats following Sunday worship once monthly, sends boxes of baked goods and snacks to college kids for Valentine’s Day and “does" all things food throughout the year. We host mid-week meals for Lent and Advent, celebrate confirmands with a reception, provide a summer social and Oktoberfest. We also host funeral luncheons. We maintain kitchen supplies including coffee, creamers and paper goods. We also spearhead Peace Lutheran Church highway cleanup three times a year. From potlucks to full-blown meals Fellowship is the go-to committee.


Technology Committee

The Technology Committee oversees the management, repairs and plans for all technology needs of the church.  This includes computer systems, phone system, video/projection system and the accompanying sound system. 

In addition to everything that goes into maintaining the various systems in the church, the committee assists with training and educating members of the congregation to be able to operate the various pieces of technological equipment.  Often this requires us to reach out to local professional agencies to help with setup and training. 


Finance Committee

This committee prepares a draft budget for the fiscal year and submits such draft budget to the Congregation Council. Finance oversees the financial affairs of the church, giving particular attention to the verification of all receipts, the prompt payment of all financial obligations and liabilities, and ensuring proper forwarding of benevolence monies.  Finance is responsible for overseeing the church’s investments and insurance programs and for developing a system by which committee chairs authorize their respective expenditures, and insures that all financial records are audited annually.

Property Committee

The Property Committee is a group of volunteers who oversee the maintenance and any improvements to our church property, which includes the main church building, parsonage and 5+ acres of yard and gardens. Members of the committee meet monthly to review needs and schedule projects. We encourage members from our congregation to use their gifts and resources to help fulfill the needs to maintain our property. It takes many hands to maintain our property, even running errands or having a truck available for occasional use is helpful. So, if you have a skill, talent or passion that would help in any way,or would like to be part of our committee, engaged in planning, we encourage you to contact the church office to let us know your interest or availability.  

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Peace Lutheran Church

2800 West Jefferson Street

Springfield, Illinois 62702


Worship Services:

Sunday at 9:30 am



Phone: 217-546-7646

Hours: Tuesday - Friday 10:00am-4:00pm

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